Bla...bla...bla [Treefingers]

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Happy Holidays

From our cold city we'll like to wish you happy holidays, this has been a good year, we know 2006 will be too.

The Band

- Andy "Claus"
- "Christmas" Ed
- Ish "new year's eve"

Monday, December 12, 2005


By the way, Inckers Evo, (a band full of freaks & nerds where Ed plays bass), will be performing in the Zócalo this Christmas eve (24), at 9 am (yeah, the time sucks). Ed's mom will appreciate your assistance.

Saxofun (a proud site's manager... if you didn't know)

Time is.... time

The 3rd aniversary of the band comes this month, this chilly december.
3 years suffering and enjoying, thanks to Andy and his family, thanks to Ish.
