Bla...bla...bla [Treefingers]

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Happy Holidays

From our cold city we'll like to wish you happy holidays, this has been a good year, we know 2006 will be too.

The Band

- Andy "Claus"
- "Christmas" Ed
- Ish "new year's eve"

Monday, December 12, 2005


By the way, Inckers Evo, (a band full of freaks & nerds where Ed plays bass), will be performing in the Zócalo this Christmas eve (24), at 9 am (yeah, the time sucks). Ed's mom will appreciate your assistance.

Saxofun (a proud site's manager... if you didn't know)

Time is.... time

The 3rd aniversary of the band comes this month, this chilly december.
3 years suffering and enjoying, thanks to Andy and his family, thanks to Ish.


Tuesday, November 22, 2005

From Ed's work desk...

Yep, I'm a desk-mouse... not proud... not ashamed.

workin' Ed

Saturday, November 05, 2005

Classy boy

Classy classy boy, where have you been ?
Classy classy boy, why are you such a lier?
classy classy boy, what is hanging down your throat??
classy classy boy, personal hell is waiting
classy classy boy, personal conscience... the one you don't have

anti-classy Ed

Friday, October 21, 2005

Since last post...

Yep, nothing new. Actually that´s a great part about this and the band, no substancial changes. Ok thats good and also wrong. Anyway, there is no sign of Gc in almost 2 1/2 months. Nothing rare.


Friday, September 30, 2005

lack of updates

Sorry about the lack of posts & updates... in the meanwhile, let's snore all together with Cc. (jeje)


Thursday, September 15, 2005

meet blacky

Meet blacky


Sunday, September 11, 2005

Yeahhh i´m here


Sunday, August 28, 2005




Friday, August 26, 2005

i've heard

i've been hearing lots of loud&noisy riffs lately, i'm definitely in that mood...

noisy Ed

Monday, August 22, 2005

enchanted home

andy's house has an energy, feels good


Saturday, August 20, 2005


next time without the clothing... promess


Thursday, August 18, 2005

The end of an era

Last night at 9:16 officialy Ed's college went to hell !!! jajaja
Yeeeaaaahhhhhhh !!!!!!

"almost Inge" Ed

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Updating gallery

Da gallery section is suffering changes, visit it. I like this one, good pic and they were actually not in a pose. Jajaja

Ed & Saxofun

Get some Nietzsche

In difficult teenage times (yeah right) Nietzsche helped me a lot... maybe you should try some god-ass-kicker phylo. Maybe "The sunset of the idols".


Friday, August 05, 2005

Welcome Ish....

One more posting freak joins us, give him an applause.... yeah !!! with the sticks and the unique kitchen-set-sound-drums..... he is Ish.

Ed & Ish

Sunday... freakin' magical day

Sundays... damn i love the sundays. Ohh right, newsflash !!! .... uhh... there's no news.


The first post of the rest of the posts

Opening with great pleasure the Treefingers news post (blog) so you could know everything the possible things that a mexican under-under-underground band could pass through.
We don't have any records yet, we ourselves are our only fans... just thanking for the possibility of creating music... Enjoy.
